Blackburn College is delighted to partner with a number of organisations and offer the best education possible while fostering ties both within and outside the community. We are proud to hold a number of awards and accreditations which demonstrate how hard we work to deliver high-quality education in all areas.

Higher Education Academy (HEA) Access Partner
Blackburn College is proud to be a Higher Education Academy (HEA) Access Partner. This demonstrates that the College supports the continuous professional development of our Higher Education staff in their teaching with opportunities beyond our institution, such as involvement with the HEA’s communities of practice and online resources.

UK Quality Assured
The body that safeguards the public interest in sound standards of Higher Education qualifications is the QAA (the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education). They do this by working with Universities and Higher Education Institutions to define academic standards and quality, and by carrying out and publishing reviews against these standards. University Centre at Blackburn College was last reviewed in 2015.
You can read our review and also see the areas of good practice online.

Disability Confident Employer
Blackburn College is a Disability Confident Employer. This means we have completed the Disability Confident self-assessment and are actively engaged in all of the core actions to be a Disability Confident employer. We are proactively:
- challenging attitudes towards recruitment of disabled people
- increasing understanding of disability in the workplace
- removing barriers to disabled people and those with long term health conditions in employment
- ensuring that disabled people have the opportunities to fulfill their potential and realise their aspirations

AdvanceHE Affiliate Member
Advance HE are dedicated to helping higher education shape its future.
- Providing insight, so you can use the foresight
- Enhancing organisational performance, to deliver sustainable change
- Developing and connecting people, so they can delivery impact
- Accrediting achievement, so you can be recognised
Ofsted 2022 Update
Blackburn College is proud to be rated GOOD in all areas by Ofsted.
Inspectors confirmed that we are a good provider in all areas of the inspection.
The Areas
- Overall effectiveness - Good
- Education programmes for young people - Good
- Apprenticeships - Good
- The quality of education - Good
- Behaviour and attitudes - Good
- Personal development - Good
- Leadership and management - Good
- Adult learning programmes - Good
- Provision for learners with high needs – Good
What Ofsted Had to Say About Blackburn College
"Students and apprentices find the College an enjoyable and welcoming place to learn. Classrooms and workshops are calm and inviting. As a result, students and apprentices display positive attitudes to their learning. They settle into College life quickly and are highly motivated to achieve."
"Leaders and managers ensure that the curriculum prepares students and apprentices successfully for their next steps into further learning and employment and to be active citizens in their local communities."
"Approximately a fifth of students on education programmes for young people are successful at gaining a place at prestigious universities including Oxford and Cambridge.""Approximately half of the A-Level tutors are external examiners. They use this knowledge and experience to prepare students for their examinations and to help them achieve higher grades."
"Staff have high expectations of students’ and apprentices’ behaviour. They monitor behaviour rigorously and do not tolerate any bullying or harassment."
"Students and apprentices receive additional, individual support from academic skills coaches to help them to structure assignments correctly and to obtain help with revision and examination techniques."
"Tutors develop students’ and apprentices’ English and mathematical skills effectively."
"Students and apprentices benefit from a range of professional student support services such as qualified careers, finance and work placement advisors and pastoral support officers."
"Leaders ensure that staff are well qualified and, where appropriate, have relevant industry knowledge. Substantial numbers of vocational staff are industry practitioners, for example in construction, hairdressing and nursing."
"Leaders and managers design a curriculum that effectively reflects local, regional and national skills needs. They consult with employers frequently to ensure that the curriculum content meets the most up-to-date industry practices and standards."
"Since the previous inspection, the Principal, senior leaders and governors have successfully changed the culture of the College. They have developed an ethos of high expectations, tolerance and respect.""Leaders and managers ensure that the safeguarding and wellbeing of students and apprentices are a high priority."