‘Governors put learners at the heart of all decision making. There is an unrelenting focus on improving teaching, learning, learner outcomes, and the student experience.’ [External Governance Review Spring 2023.]
Our Corporation Board is made up of representatives from academia, local businesses, and communities, who volunteer and bring a wealth of talent, experience, wisdom and expertise. In line with Charity Legislation our Corporation Board members are unpaid.
The Corporation Board members have a similar role to that of a Board of Directors. Members of the Corporation (also known as Governors) work together as a Team.
Mark Allanson
Chair of the Corporation Board
Committee membership: Learning and Quality, Chair of Governance Panel, Remuneration, Student Voice
Catherine Hill OBE
Vice-Chair of the Corporation Board
Committee membership: Learning and Quality, Student Voice, Chair of Remuneration
Dr Fazal Dad
Principal and Chief Executive
Committee membership: Policy and Resources, Learning and Quality, Governance Panel
Nadia Begum
Further Education Student Governor
Committee membership: Audit
Fran Crossland
Committee membership: Policy and Resources
Ram Gupta
Committee membership: Learning and Quality
Chris Johnson
Committee membership: Chair of Audit
Michael Lee
Business Support Staff Governor
Committee membership: Policy and Resources
Andrea Machell
Committee membership: Learning and Quality
Paul Morris
Committee membership: Policy and Resources, Remuneration
Ridwaan Omar
Committee membership: Policy and Resources
Arif Patel
Committee membership: Chair of Policy and Resources, Student Voice, Governance Panel
Rohan Quinn
Higher Education Student Governor
Committee membership: Learning and Quality
Claire Shaw
Academic Staff Governor
Committee membership: Learning and Quality
Taiyab Sufi
Committee membership: Audit Committee
Steve Waggott
Committee membership: Policy and Resources
Nathan Rogan
Associate Board Member
Sarah Horeesorun
Director of Governance
Governance at Blackburn College
The Department for Education requires that all Colleges undertake an External Governance Review by July 2025. In its External Governance Review in Spring 2023, an independent reviewer observed many strengths at Blackburn College and that there were no areas of concern. Some notable highlights include:
- Governance at Blackburn College has improved significantly in recent years and is now characterised by a culture of openness, trust, challenge, and support. A ‘one team’ approach has been developed successfully between the Corporation Board and senior managers. Relationships are strong and governors are proud to be part of the College community.
- The mix of skills, expertise, and diversity among the membership of the Corporation Board is a key strength.
- Governors put learners at the heart of all decision making. There is an unrelenting focus on improving teaching, learning, learner outcomes, and the student experience.
- Financial oversight is equally strong, and the College is maintaining outstanding financial health.
- Governors understand their role well, and the Corporation Board complies with all statutory and regulatory duties. Underlying processes are robust and ably managed by the Director of Governance.
Here is the External Governance Review Executive Summary
The Corporation Board and its Governors are managed and supported by the Governance Professional. The Director of Governance is responsible for the administrative support to the Corporation Board, with particular reference to ensuring the Corporation Board is operating within its legal framework. The Director of Governance is appointed by the Corporation Board and is answerable directly to the Corporation Board for the duties he or she undertakes in the role of Director of Governance. Sarah Horeesorun is the Director of Governance at Blackburn College and University Centre.
For more information contact sarah.horeesorun@blackburn.ac.uk
Find minutes to their meetings below:
Minutes of the Corporation Board and Committees
The Instruments and Articles or the Standing Orders documents can be found below: