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The Governance Panel will comprise of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Corporation, the Chairs of Policy and Resources and Learning and Quality Committees, the Principal and Chief Executive and one coopted member. The Chair of the Corporation will be automatically appointed as Chair of the Panel. In the absence of the Chair, the members will appoint a member from themselves who is also a Governor to act as Chair of the Panel. The Principal and Chief Executive, if a member of the Panel, will not be eligible to be elected as the Chair of the Panel.


The quorum for the meeting of the Governance Panel will be three members.


The Panel will meet as necessary to ensure that vacancies on the Board are filled on a timely basis or
at the specific request of the Corporation Board, and to fulfil its terms of reference.


The Director of Governance will act as Secretary to the Panel.

Attendance policy

Members should make every effort to attend Panel meetings. Should a Board member fail to attend three consecutive meetings without the approval of the Panel, the Panel may request the Corporation to withdraw membership of the Panel from the individual concerned.

Conflict of interest

Members of reminded of their obligation to declare any involvement in any item on the agenda that may give rise to a potential conflict of interest.


  1. The Panel will advise the Board on the broad balance and shape of the Corporation to ensure that the Corporation reflects the private, public, ‘third’ sectors and community aspects and ethnic, gender, disability and other perspectives and is equipped with appropriate skills, experience and stakeholder representation.
  2. The Panel shall advise the Board on the appointment of new members of the Corporation for the "lay/external category".
  3. The Panel will undertake a 12-month Probationary Review following the appointments of all External and Staff Governors and shall advise the Board on their continued membership
  4. The Panel shall advise the Board on the reappointment of existing members whose term of office has expired. The Panel will take account of contribution, expertise and attendance records when making recommendations for reappointment.
  5. The Panel shall advise the Board on the appointment/re-appointment of the Chairs of Committees, including their Term of Office.
  6. The Panel shall undertake performance assessments for all Governors
  7. The Panel shall advise the Board on the training and development programme for Board and Committee members.
  8. The Governance Panel shall advise the Board on the appointment and re-appointment of College Ambassadors, Governor Champions and College Fellows.
  9. The Panel shall advise the Board on any other matters relating to membership and appointments as the Corporation may remit to it.

Last Reviewed by Governance Panel: 20 Jun 2022

Last Amended by Governance Panel: 20 Jun 2022

Last Approval by Board: 1 Jul 2022