Entry Requirements
Be a skilled mechanic with at least 4 years full-time employment in the service
35 hours
Study Mode
Part time
Key features and benefits
- Learn in our state of the art HEAT and RATH workshops
- Free MOT Testing facilities
- Study at the 3rd Best College in England*
This qualification is for individuals who want or need to become MOT testers.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible to undertake this qualification in order to be an MOT Tester, a learner must:
- Have a current and full UK driving licence for the vehicle classes they want to test
- Be a skilled mechanic with at least 4 years full-time employment in the service and repair of the vehicle types to be tested. (Apprentices who have been employed for 4 years are eligible.)
- Have no unspent convictions for criminal offences connected with the MOT testing scheme or the motor trade, or involving acts of violence or intimidation
- Be ‘of good repute’
- And to become a nominated tester (NT) for class 3, 4, 5 or 7 vehicles they must also have an ‘appropriate’ qualification.
An Appropriate Qualification is per below:
(If you do not have one of these qualifications, please contact us before making your booking)Awarding Body
Aberdeen Technical College
Stage II in Motor Vehicle Mechanics' Work
Automotive Skills
Modern Apprenticeship in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA)
Inspection Technician - Route: Light Vehicle
Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA)
Light Vehicle Diagnostic Technician
Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA)
Light Vehicle Master Technician
Barnfield College
Level III NVQ in Motor Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems - Year 3 Light Vehicle
Bolton Institute of Higher Education
Higher National Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Business and Technology education Council (BTEC)
BTEC Naional Diploma in Engineering (Motor Vehicle Studies)
CENTRA (North Western Regional Advisory Council for Further Education)
Motor Vehicle Craft Studies, Light and Heavy Vehicles - Part II (First year)
City & Guilds of London Institute
4100 Progression Award in Automotive Vehicle Servicing and Repair - Level III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Automobile Engineering Practice
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate for Motor Vehicle Technicians
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Light Vehicle Mechanics' Craft Studies - Part II or III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Heavy Vehicle Mechanics' Craft Studies - Part II or III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice - Part II
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Craft Studies - Part II or III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Craft Studies Modular - Part III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Craft Studies (pre 381 syllabus) - Part II
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Motor Cehicle Craft Studies, 381 - Part II or III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics' Work - Part II
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Servicing and Repair and Motor Vehicle Engineering
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate of Motor Vehicle Technician - Part I
City & Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Repair and Servicing of Road Vehicles, 383 - Level II or III
City & Guilds of London Institute
Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles at SCQF Level
City & Guilds of London Institute
Full Technological Certificate for Motor Vehicle Technicians
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III Award in Automotive Vehicle Maintenance
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III Certificate in Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III Certificate in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III Diploma in Engineering - Military Vehicles
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Competence
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III NVQ in Automotive Maintenance and Repair Heavy Vehicle
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III NVQ in Car and Commercial Vehicle Repair
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III NVQ in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III NVQ in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Light Vehicle)
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III SVQ in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Light Vehicle)
City & Guilds of London Institute
Level III VRQ Diploma in Maintenance and Repair (Light Vehicle)
City & Guilds of London Institute
Modular Certificate in Motor Vehicle Craft Studies - Part III
City & Guilds of London Institute
The Craft Certificate in Motor Vehicle Craft Studies
City & Guilds of London Institute
The National Craft Certificate - Motor Vehicle Studies
The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Certificate of Trade Proficiency in Inspector Vehicles
The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Certificate of Trade Proficiency in Support Vehicle Repair (All Variants)
The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Certificate of Trade Proficiency in Vehicle Mechanic Senior
EAL - EMTA Awards
Advanced Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Multi-Skill)
EAL - EMTA Awards
Level III NVQ Extended Diploma in Engineering Maintenance (Mechanical)
EAL - EMTA Awards
Level III NVQ Diploma in Automotive Engineering (QCF)
EAL - EMTA Awards
Level III NVQ in Automotive Engineering Vehicle Fitting
EAL - EMTA Awards
Level III NVQ in Engineering Assembly
EAL - EMTA Awards
Level III NVQ in Engineering Maintenance
East Midland Educational Union
Motor Vehicle Craft Studies, Part II - First Year: Light Vehicle Mechanics
East Midland Further Education Council
381 Motor Vehicle Craft Studies, Part II - First Year (Light Vehicle Mechanics)
East Midland Further Education Council
Certificate - 390 Motor Vehicle Technicians' Course - Second Year
EDI Awards
Level III NVQ in Transport Engineering and Maintenance (Mechanical)
Engineering Training Authority (EnTra)
Level III NVQ in Engineering Maintenance
Engineering Training Authority (EnTra)
Level III NVQ in Engineering Maintenance (Mechanical)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Advanced Automotive Engineer
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Associate Member
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Certificate in Heavy Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems, Maintenance and Repair (600 Series)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Certificate in Light Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems, Maintenance and Repair
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Certificated Automotive Engineer
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Diploma for Automotive Master Technicians
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Diploma in Automobile Engineering
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Diploma in Automobile Engineering and Management
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level II and III NVQ in Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Competence (VCQ)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles (VRQ)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III Diploma in Transport Engineering Maintenance for Passenger Carrying Vehicles (Mechanical)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Light Vehicle)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III NVQ Apprenticeship in Vehicle Maintenance & Repair
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III NVQ in Transport Engineering and Maintenance (Mechanical)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III NVQ in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Light Vehicle)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level III SVQ in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Heavy Vehicles)
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Level IV Diploma for Automotive Master Technicians - Light Vehicle
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Master Automotive Engineer
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Member of the Institute Certificate
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Modern Apprenticeship in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Light Vehicles
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Vehicle Mechanic 'B' Class I
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI Awards)
Vehicle Mechanic Class I
Kingston University
BEng in Automotive Systems Engineering Technology
The London Chambers of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB)
Level III NVQ in Maintaining Automotive Vehicles (Mechanical)
Loughborough College
Higher National Diploma in Motor Vehicle Management
Loughborough College
Level III NVQ in Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems
Loughborough University
BEng in Automotive Engineering
MAN Truck and Bus
Modern Apprenticeship and Level III NVQ in Heavy Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems, Maintenance and Repair
Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MERSETA)
Level III Qualification Motor Mechanic
Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MERSETA)
Level IV Qualification Motor Mechanic
Advanced Apprenticeship Program - Level III NVQ and Technical Certificate
Motor Industry Training Council
National Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship in Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems, Maintenance and Repair - Light Vehicles
National jpint Council for hte Motor Vehicle Retail and Repair Industry
Certificate for Vehicle Mechanics and Systems
Northern Counties Technical Examination Council
Light and Heavy Vehicle Mechanics Part II - First year
Northern Counties Technical Examination Council
Motor Vehicle Mechanics - Second Year
North Worcestershire College
Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Oxford Brooks University
BEng in Automotive Engineering
Oxford Brooks University
FdSc Road & Race Car Technology
Oxford Brooks University
Higher National Certificate Automotive Management and Technology
Pearson Edexcel
BTEC Higher National Certificate in Automotive Engineering
Pearson Edexcel
BTEC Higher National Certificate in Motor Vehicle Management and Technology
Pearson Edexcel
BTEC National Certificate in Engineering
Pearson Edexcel
BTEC National Certificate in Engineering (Motor Vehicle Studies)
Pearson Edexcel
BTEC National Certificate or ONC Motor Vehicle Engineering
Pearson Edexcel
Level II BTEC First Diploma in Engineering (Motor Vehicle Studies)
Pearson Edexcel
Level II BTEC First Diploma in Vehicle Service and Technology (Mechanical)
Pearson Edexcel
Level III BTEC National Certificate in Vehicle Repair and Technology (Heavy Vehicle)
Pearson Edexcel
Level III BTEC National Diploma in Vehicle Technology (Motorsports)
Pearson Edexcel
Level III BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Vehicle Technology (QCF)
Pearson Edexcel
TEC Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering
Modern Apprenticeship in the Motor Industry
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
Level III NVQ in Light Vehicle Mechanics
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
Level III NVQ in Maintaining Automotive Vehicles (Mechanical)
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
Level III NVQ in Maintaining Passenger Carrying Vehicles (Mechanical)
Level III NVQ for Light Vehicle Technician
Royal Mail
Apprenticeship with Level III NVQ, BTEC Level III - 4 years
Salisbury Polytechnic
Higher National Technical Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - Automotive
Scottish Motor Trade Association
Apprenticeship as Light Vehicle Mechanic
Scottish Motor Trade Association
Apprenticeship as Motor Mechanic - 5 years
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Systems
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Higher National Certificate in Engineering Mechanical
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Higher National Certificate in Motor Vehicle System Diagnostics
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Higher National Diploma in Automotive Engineering
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Higher National Diploma in Automotive Engineering and Management
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Level III SVQ in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (Light Vehicle)
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Level III SVQ in Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic systems: Maintenance and Repair: Light Vehicle
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
National Certificate (Third Year) in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
Scottish Technical Education Council
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering (Mechanical) - Part I and II
Scottish Technical Education Council
Higher Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering
Scottish Technical Education Council
Higher Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering
Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering
Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC)
Higher National Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering
Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC)
Level III SVQ in Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems, Maintenance and Repair
Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC)
National Certificate
Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC)
National Certificate in Vehicle Mechanics & System Part III
Sheffield Hallam University
BSc in Automotive Technology
Stirling Council Youth Support Community Services
Level III SVQ in Vehicle Mechanical and Electronic Systems
Technician Education Council (TEC)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering - Level I
Technician Education Council (TEC)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering - Level II
Technician Education Council (TEC)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering - Level II
Technician Education Council (TEC)
Higher National Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering Management
The University of Derby
Certificate of Higher Education in Motorsport Technology
Trident Technology and Business Centre
Level III Maintenance and Repair of Road Vehicles - Year 3
Union of Educational Institutions (UEI)
Motor Vehicle Mechanics Course (Second Year)
Union of Lancashire & Cheshire Institutes 1969
Motor Vehicle Technicians Course First Year
The University of Hertfordshire
BEng in Automotive Engineering
The University of Hertfordshire
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hertfordshire
BSc Automotive Technology with Management
The University of Hertfordshire
MSc in Automotive Engineering
The University of Liverpool
Certificate in Mechanical Science
The University of Liverpool
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Technology
The University of Plymouth
Higher National Diploma in Automotive Engineering
The University of Teeside
Higher National Diploma in Motor Vehicle Management
Waltham Forest Chamber of Commerce Training Trust
Level III NVQ Modern Apprenticeship as Motor Vehicle Mechanic
Warwickshire College
Level III Maintenance and Repair of Road Vehicles - Year 3
Warwickshire Group Training Association
National Craft Certificate
Welsh Joint Education Committee
Certificate of Motor Vehicle Technicians - Part I
Wessex Vocational Training Limited
Level III NVQ Light Vehicle Mechanics
West Midlands Advisory Council for Further Education and Training
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Craft Studies (First Year) - Part II
What will I study?
The content of this qualification has been designed to reflect the contents of the National Occupational Standards for MOT Testers. The content of the qualification includes:
- working safely within a vehicle test centre
- communicating with colleagues and customers
- how to manage and maintain their CPD
- carrying out pre-test checks
- carrying out an MOT test
It is based on the suite of National Occupational Standards (NOS) developed by the IMI in conjunction with DVSA and the MOT industry in 2015.
How will I be assessed?
External assessments
These qualifications are subject to externally set and externally marked assessment in the form of online tests delivered through the IMI online testing platform.
Therefore IMI has developed a bank of questions that will be randomly selected to cover the knowledge requirements of the qualification. This test will consist of 40 questions, to be answered in 75 minutes and will span the breadth of the content for each of the units.**Learners must provide evidence in writing of their 4 years full-time employment with their application, otherwise they will not be accepted onto the course**
Internal assessments
In addition to the externally set and externally marked online tests, learners must successfully undertake practical assessments provided by IMI.
Bookings must be made no later than 2 weeks in advance of a date below to ensure that we can organise your registration with IMI and candidates must arrive no later than 10 minutes prior to the course start time.
**Please note that following successful completion of this course, candidates must contact the DVSA for final sign off before they are able to Test vehicles**
Please note, from 1 April 2022, some MOT testers will need to provide a basic disclosure certificate (also known as a DBS check) before they can carry out a demonstration test.
This change will apply to:
- newly qualified MOT testers
- suspended MOT testers (2 or 5 years) who want to return to testing
- MOT testers who have not carried out an MOT test in the last 5 years
Please visit MOT special notice 03-22: DBS checks for new and returning MOT testers - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) for more information.
For more information
For more information about this course, contact our specialist team on 01254 292500 or email business@blackburn.ac.uk

Rated "Good" by Ofsted
January 2022