Elizabeth Thompson
Studied: LLB (Hons) Law
Now: Working in the property industry
Accessible, supportive and friendly
What made you decide to study at University Centre Blackburn College?
I chose to study at Blackburn College because the tutors were really supportive.
What did you like best about your course?
What I liked best on the law degree was family law Unit which was taught by my tutor and she gave a lot of support all the way through.
What did you think about the campus - the atmosphere, the facilities and how safe it was?
I was able to carry on with my day-to-day work in life and it fit in around my working life and home life and it was easy access to get to being 20 minutes away from where I live.
What are your plans for the future and how will Blackburn College help you achieve these goals?
While working in the property industry completing a law degree I can now look forward towards completing my own conveyancing on any properties that we sell. The knowledge through law in the degree will help in the day to day running of the business and with the lettings.