Blackburn College bucks the national trend with outstanding A-Level and vocational results

Blackburn College has bucked the national trend with an increase in A-Level pass rate despite a national decline in students receiving top marks.
Staff and students were celebrating this morning as students collected their A-Level, BTEC and University of the Arts London (UAL) results.
A-Level students were celebrating a 100 per cent pass rate in 20 subjects including Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Physics, psychology Accounting and Law, as well as an increase in students achieving top grades (A* to B). The college is also celebrating an overall increase in A-Level pass rate.
The results come in contrast to the national results, which are predicted to have fallen since last year.
The College’s success means this year’s students are set to progress to top universities across the country including the University of Oxford, Durham University, the University of Warick, the University of Salford, Lancaster University, the University of Plymouth, the University of Bristol and the University Centre at Blackburn College.
This year’s student cohort are progressing to a range of subject areas including: Law, Physics, Biomedical Science, Business Management, Physiology and Pharmacology and more. While some students are progressing to Degree Apprenticeships.
We are absolutely delighted that our outstanding results have bucked the national trend
Dr Fazal Dad
Dr Fazal Dad, Principal and Chief Executive of Blackburn College said: “We are absolutely delighted that our outstanding results have bucked the national trend with our students achieving a high proportion of top grades (A*to B) and securing places at some of the UK’s highest ranked universities, including the University of Oxford and Durham University.
"In addition to this we are celebrating a 100 per cent pass rate in 20 different A-Level subjects, including Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Physics, Psychology Accounting and Law, which is a testament to the hard work of our students and staff.
"2022 is the first time in two years that students have sat exams and our students have truly excelled themselves. I would like to congratulate all our students on their hard work and dedication and wish them well in the future as they move onto their university choices, apprenticeships and employment."