All our University Centre courses are awarded by well-respected institutions such as Lancaster University, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and the University of South Wales.
Our validation/approval process is rigorous and we frequently review our courses to ensure that we’re constantly offering courses that meet your needs.

Lancaster University
Blackburn College is a Partner College of Lancaster University. Over 85% of higher education provision offered at the College is validated by Lancaster. The growing reputation of Lancaster is reflected by the high rankings year-on-year in each of the UK's major university league tables - The Times/Sunday Times (14th), the Complete University Guide (10th), and the Guardian (11th). Lancaster is ranked 122nd in the QS World University Rankings 2024, and 155th in THE World University Rankings 2024.
On successful completion, students on Lancaster University courses receive a Lancaster University award and certificate. The University is represented on the Boards of Examiners for the individual subjects and on the Assessment Boards which are responsible for making recommendations to the University Senate for the awarding or withholding of the University’s qualifications.
Students are registered with Blackburn College and are subject to its rules and regulations. The College will be primarily responsible for academic appeals/student discipline and student complaints. Students wishing to make a formal complaint about any matter which cannot be resolved by informal means will use the complaints procedure for Blackburn College.
Lancaster University
University of Central Lancashire
Some of our courses are approved by the University of Central Lancashire. These include our Teacher Training courses. There are numerous opportunities for students on these courses as you’ll be able to enjoy many of the facilities that students studying on the main UCLan campus are also entitled to. You’ll be able to join welcome events and get involved with the University of Central Lancashire’s Student Union.
University of South Wales
University Centre at Blackburn College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales. Our Law and two of our Sports courses are validated by the University and we have an extremely mature relationship. Staff from the different departments at the University of South Wales work closely with colleagues from University Centre at Blackburn College. You’ll find that staff from the University of South Wales contribute to programmes and may conduct some lectures/classes with you.
University of South Wales