At Blackburn College we care about giving you all the support you need to succeed. Our team of friendly and helpful professionals will help make sure you have the best student experience during your time here.
School Engagement Team
Leaving school is an exciting next step in your education, and joining college will give you the next level of skills you'll need for a future job or higher education progression.
Head to our page to find out more about the team and our offering.
In Year 11 you’ll gather all the information you need to make your choice. Throughout the year, you'll see our School Liaison team often and be able to take part in a variety of activities, such as:

- Open Events: get a feel for college life, meet with tutors and see our amazing facilities in person
- Taster Events: get an understanding for the subjects you might want to study
- Your Blackburn College Interview: discuss your personal achievements and ambitions with subject tutors
- Spotlight Evenings: Take part in subject ‘hands on’ taster sessions and meet tutors
- New Students’ Day: the first introduction to College life and a chance to get to know your future classmates and experience your subject
- Enrolment Support: a named tutor will help you through the process
Student Services
Student Services provides a range of support to help students success in their studies

Careers support helps our students make the most of opportunities to jump start the next stage of their career. To meet the team and, find out more about the Blackburn College Careers Programme how they can help you head to our page.

Financial support helps our students overcome financial barriers to participation in learning. Head to our page to find out more information on the financial support available.

The Exchange allows digital skills support at the, Tech Bar, which ensures students can use technologies to support their learning and future careers. Independent learning facilities enable students to take ownership of their success and engage in learning beyond the classroom. Head to our page to find out more information on our Student Services.
Safeguarding and Pastoral Support
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We are committed to ensuring your time with us is a safe and positive experience. Students have access to the following:
- Personal Development Tutors: helping build confidence, resilience, well-being and enrichment
- Student Pastoral Officers: providing support, advice and guidance across all curriculum areas
- Safeguarding Team: providing early help and prevention support, with access to outside support agencies
We have a range of faiths represented at College and our Chaplaincy allows for the exploration of religion, world views, pastoral care and spiritual direction. Student support includes:
- Help you explore your faith
- Celebrate religious festivals
- Offer help, guidance and referrals to faith and support groups
- Provide guidance with prayer and worship
To find out more you can contact for more information.

Services for Special Educational Needs or a Disability
We pride ourselves on providing high quality support for SEND with an inclusive learning support team.
Individual support plans will be developed with you, including support for:
Autism, Assisted technology, Deaf/hearing impairments, Dyslexia, Learning difficulties, Medical conditions, Personal care, Physical disabilities, Visual impairments, Other individual requirements
Our dedicated team is made up of specialist advisory SEND teachers, dyslexia specialists, teacher of the deaf, teacher of the visually impaired, qualified British Sign Language communicators, note takers and support workers.
You can discuss your support requirements in advance by contacting us.
Call: 01254 292585/292336
Assisted Text phone: 07837418148
The Student Assistance Programme
Our Student Assistance Programme is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you with issues affecting your homelife, education, health and general wellbeing. The programme helps students to work towards realistic and achievable solutions.
24-hour FREE confidential helpline: 0800 028 3766
You can also download the My Healthy Advantage App from Google Play Store and Apple App Store.